Hoerl war Anfang November in Berlin zum Tief Frequenz Festival. Einen Tag vorher war er in Jena bei unseren Freunden von den Basskateers. Was er euch so zu erzählen hat, erfahrt ihr nach dem Klick in seinem Reisebericht (auf englisch). Die Bilder kommen mit freundlicher Genehmingung von DJ Saiman und Peter Kolski, Big Ups!
Hola people
nice trip from jena to berlin
aka trippin from dubisland to yaam
i was invited on thursday to be guest by one of the exhibitions of basskateers liveproject inna the holy cellar of dub island inna jena city and it was unbelievable.
Jenas symphatic dubheads just come around with straight played livedrumset played by puppy dubby, on the rack of basskateers stands file-x. on the mk149 plays felix from chewbacca.
one the kontrols stands rubadubstar aka signore sereno and on the korg ebass mighty sattadread a multitalented (pitch perfect) instrumentalist,
all the artists got the perfect vibe to have a nice birthday-session. So watch out for thuringias hopeholders for their allmighty puresounding soundsystem, their liveprojects and everything is coming around from dub-island.
ps thx 4 the punk-session with nico, alex und lenny, war geil.

friday i was invited on tieffrequenz-festival on yaam berlin, hyped by a message that is so nice…later more
Impulse Berlin Stage all nite long. not 5 minutes in yaam by looking after deco arts and stuff of the floors ive met beam up, big up everytime for the support.

the sound and the vibe on the impulse stage was magnetic. nice sounding tunes pon the i-revelation soundsystem, celebration of bassmusic by Infra b2b Saiman, Bukezt Finest and the WOB WOB Crew. peace 2 braintheft dj giotto the whole serendubity crew (DIY CHAI FTW),
nevertheless every floor has its own quality for his own event, I coulndt divide me I´m sorry, next times we come with the whole crew.
the event has 2 days and a pity I´ve missed bukeszt finest b2b shiverz (for example). the saturday has guided city tours from graffiti spots and urban artforms and recordstore basstour and a connecting meal :[
maybe one of the artists has made some recordings…would be much appreciated
thx to all the people
one love